LS-DYNA and DYNA3D Experience

Dr. Schwer has been a DYNA3D user since 1982, and an LS-DYNA user since 1998.

While employed at SRI International, Dr. Schwer became one of the first DYNA3D users, outside of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), and helped to motivate Dr. John Hallquist to convert the Cray computer based version of DYNA3D to the then new DEC VAX/VMS computer. Dr. Schwer also provided Dr. Hallquist with one of his first, if not the first, consulting opportunities through SRI to implement into DYNA3D and DYNA2D a Mohr-Coulomb material developed by Dr. Schwer for the NONSAP code. Drs. Schwer and Hallquist have maintained both a collegial and personal relationship through out the years, to include:

In addition to his relationship with Dr. Hallquist, Dr. Schwer has worked in the past with other LSTC employees:

In parallel with Dr. Schwer’s experience in working with LSTC staff, he has also worked very closely with Drs. Bruce Engelmann and Robert Whirley who took over the LLNL development of NIKE and DYNA, respectively, after Dr. Hallquist left LLNL to form LSTC. Dr. Schwer has also worked with the current LLNL DYNA3D developer Dr. Jerry Lin while Dr. Lin was employed at KBS2 and Dr. Schwer served as a consultant. Of these three individual, the work with Dr. Whirley has been the most extensive and continues today with Dr. Schwer working as a consultant to TransMotive Technologies Inc where Dr. Whirley is the Vice President. Drs. Schwer and Whirley have co-authored two peer reviewed publication involving the development and application of DYNA3D features:

Schwer, L.E. and R.G. Whirley, ``Lessons Learned in Modeling a Moving Deformable Barrier (MDB) Impacting a Rigid Wall,'' International Journal of Crashworthiness, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.73-92, 1996.
Schwer, L.E. and R.G. Whirley, "Impact of a 3D Woven Textile Composite Panel: Damage and Failure," accepted for publication Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structures, July 1998.

Dr. Schwer’s extensive experience in applying DYNA3D to numerous problems and developing new capabilities for DYNA3D is in part documented by his DYNA3D related publications. In addition to the book chapter and four peer reviewed publication mentioned above, the following six peer reviewed publications are DYNA3D related:

Lindberg, H.E., M.B. Rubin, and L.E. Schwer, ``Dynamic Buckling of Cylindrical Shells from Oscillating Waves Following Axial Impact,'' International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 669-692, 1987.
Schwer, L.E., B.S. Holmes, and S.W. Kirkpatrick, ``Response and Failure of Metal tanks from Impulsive Spot Loading: Experiments and Calculations,'' International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 24, No. 8, pp. 817-833, 1988.
Schwer, L.E. and H.E. Lindberg, ``A Finite Element Slideline Approach for Calculating Tunnel Response in Jointed Rock,'' International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol. 16, pp. 529-540, 1992.
Murray, Y.D. and L.E. Schwer, ``Verification of a General Purpose Laminated Composite Shell Element Implementation: Comparisons with Analytical and Experimental Results,'' Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 12, pp. 1-16, 1993.
Schwer, L.E., ``A Viscoplastic Augmentation of the Smooth Cap Model,'' Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 150, pp. 215-223, 1994.
Schwer, L.E. and Y.D. Murray, ``A Three-Invariant Smooth Cap Model with Mixed Hardening,'' International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Volume 18, pp. 657-688, 1994.

Experience in using and developing DYNA3D for a wide variety of engineering mechanics problem areas has led to Dr. Schwer serving as a consultant. In addition to LSTC, KBS2, and TransMotive, mentioned above, Dr. Schwer has served as a consultant to Exponent, Inc (formerly Failure Analysis Associates), APTEK, Inc., Rocket Research (a Division now of Rockwell), Weidlinger Associates, Kaman Sciences, Columbine Bus, and Titan Corporation.