In 1993 Schwer Engineering and Consulting Services (SE&CS) was started as a full time activity after APTEK's San Jose office was closed. To provide continuity of service to APTEK's major Government client, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) it was agreed that Dr. Schwer would continue as Principal Investigator on Tunnel Vulnerability Program (Contract DNA001-91-C-0140).
In the fall of 1996 Dr. Schwer returned to full time consulting and business development for his firm SE&CS. An alliance was formed between SE&CS and TransMotive Technologies, Inc. an independent high technology engineering services and product development company formed in 1995. Dr. Schwer provides TransMotive with consulting services, primarily in the application of DYNA3D, and while continuing to develop new business for SE&CS.
In February of 2000, an alliance was formed between SE&CS and Pucik Consulting Services (Dr Thomas Pucik to provide constitutive model verification and validation serives to Sandia National Laboratories.