1999 - Present, Verification & Validation:
Providing planning and execution of a material model verification
and validation program for Sandia National Laboratories. The Sandia Point-of-Contact for
this effort is Dr. William Scherzinger.
2001, Electrical connector analysis for Loranger, Inc.
1997 - 2001, Meshfree Methods:
Dr. Schwer was the co-author with Professor Ted Belytschko, Professor Wing Liu and Dr. Robert Whirley
of a successful effort leading to the "Advanced Numerical Prediction of Target
Response" contract DSWA-97-C-0171 ($1.4 million over 3 years), which will develop
mesh free methods for simulation of conventional weapons effects on structures. The
Defense Threat Reduction Agency's COTR for this effort is
Mike Giltrud
1999 - 2000, Analysis of buried pipelines for Southwest Research Institute.
1998 - 1999, Drop test simulations of spent nuclear fuel storage casks for Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory.
1998 - 1999, Stress analysis of redesigned streetcar for the Regional Transit Authority of New Orleans.